Who’s that Hunka Burnin’ Love?

That’s Bif (aka, me).

Throwback to the ‘90s.

Yes, Bif made his appearance around 1991, in the college years.

My roomie (looking at you, Michael Gambrell) spotted my ‘BF’ initials on a paper and asked, “Bif? Who’s Bif?”

It stuck.

The name spread like wildfire and follows me to this day. When someone calls me Bif, I know they’re a true friend.

In my new book, COLOR THE SKY WITH SONG, Lucy (our heroine) has a ride-or-die named BamBam.

I’ve heard it said that a hero needs two things: a loyal friend and a tireless enemy.

Well, without giving away too much about BamBam, he’s a unique friend. And his loyalty? That’s Lucy’s secret weapon.

So, are you looking for a summer page-turner packed with adventure, mystery, thrills, baddies, and yes — friendship?

Tomorrow’s your lucky day! When the paperback drops, race to Amazon and click the “Order” button.

Bif’s got you covered!

And trust me, this story will give you the feels as big and bold as my ‘90s hair.