Brian Forrester | Author and Speaker | Young Adult Novels and Short Stories

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1-2-3 Writing Blog: Let's Talk About Conflict In Stories

Each blog contains 1 idea, 2 quotes, and 3 questions to ponder.


It’s all about the conflict. Ratchet up the tension, arguments, and debates. Whether internal or external, whether through conversation or thought, scenes “pop” with rough seas. Fair weather and blue skies don’t make for compelling stories. Make your characters climb the mast, look to the dark horizon, and yell, “Hey matey, storm clouds a’coming!”


3 Writing Questions

  1. What is the internal conflict of your protagonist?

  2. What is the external conflict of your protagonist?

  3. How is their status quo being threatened?

About Me

Hey, I’m Brian. Born a Tar Heel but now a Virginian, I’m a father of five and the husband of one amazing lady. My family has a thing for Golden Retrievers. Given the right circumstances, I can do a mean moonwalk on a slick kitchen floor. I’ve also written a book called The Jungle Within.