Brian Forrester | Author and Speaker | Young Adult Novels and Short Stories

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1-2-3 Writing Blog: Let's Talk About Subject-Verb Connections

Each blog contains 1 idea, 2 quotes, and 3 questions to ponder.


When you’re stuck, go back to the basics of subject-verb connection. Readers hate complicated sentences because they require too much work. So pluck those unneeded words. Instead of saying, “It was hard for Bob to pay since he didn’t have any cash.” Try: “Bob opened his wallet and found it empty.”


3 Writing Questions

  1. What writing software do you use? (I’m a Scrivener fan)

  2. Do you have a favorite online thesaurus? (Mine is

  3. Who’s your favorite book villain? (I’d choose Professor Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes or Bugs Meany from Encyclopedia Brown)

About Me

Hey, I’m Brian. Born a Tar Heel but now a Virginian, I’m a father of five and the husband of one amazing lady. My family has a thing for Golden Retrievers. Given the right circumstances, I can do a mean moonwalk on a slick kitchen floor. I’ve also written a book called The Jungle Within.