1-2-3 Writing Blog: Let's Talk About Dialog Beats
Each blog contains 1 idea, 2 quotes, and 3 questions to ponder.
When writing conversations, use dialog beats. This focuses on character action instead of relying solely on dialog tags such as “he said” and “she asked.” In my book The Jungle Within, I use a dialog beat to identify a character named Stanley AND describe him both physically and emotionally. FOR EX: “I can’t believe it.” Stanley’s face dropped in disappointment, making his double chin more pronounced. “You’ve lost your legendary swagger. Come on, where’s the guy who once put the move on Lucy Skyler?” When writing conversations, make dialog beats your new best friends.
“The beat, if it’s really good, does more than provide clarity and a little action. It can move the story forward, work toward character development, or let the reader know the character’s mood.”
“Well-placed beats make your writing richer, fuller, and better. And good writing, like good teaching, engages your readers and lets them draw their own conclusions.”
3 Writing Questions
Do you know the difference between a dialog beat and a dialog tag?
Are you balancing how you use each of these?
Are you using too many beats, causing the pacing to slow?
About Me
Hey, I’m Brian. Born a Tar Heel but now a Virginian, I’m a father of five and the husband of one amazing lady. My family has a thing for Golden Retrievers. Given the right circumstances, I can do a smooth moonwalk on a slick kitchen floor. I’ve also written a book called The Jungle Within.