Brian Forrester | Author and Speaker | Young Adult Novels and Short Stories

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1-2-3 Writing Blog: Let's Talk About Writing Appointments

Each blog contains 1 idea, 2 quotes, and 3 questions to ponder.


Make a writing appointment and stick with it, just like you do for a movie ticket or a plane trip. If you wait for inspiration to strike, or for the muse to sprinkle pixie dust upon your fair head, you’ll write nothing. So if you’re a morning person, set the alarm for the butt crack of dawn. If you’re a late-night genius, get those creative juices flowing and howl at the moon. But for all that is good and noble, don’t wait around for the perfect time. It will never come.


3 Writing Questions

  1. What excuses keep you from a daily writing routine?

  2. What is the best “creative time” for you?

  3. What time is your writing appointment tomorrow?

About Me

Hey, I’m Brian. Born a Tar Heel but now a Virginian, I’m a father of five and the husband of one amazing lady. My family has a thing for Golden Retrievers. Given the right circumstances, I can do a smooth moonwalk on a slick kitchen floor. I’ve also written a book called The Jungle Within.